Category: Tips & Trick

quotaon: cannot find // on

Issue : quotaon: cannot find // on Resolution : 1) modprobe quota_v2 and check if the module was loaded ( lsmod |grep quota ) 2) echo ‘quota_v2’ >> /etc/modules 3) delete the files previously created ( aquota.user ) 4) quotacheck -avugm 5) quotaon -avug and that’s All

pure ftp 227 entering passive mode

Issue : pure ftp 227 entering passive mode Resolution : Edit file pure-ftpd.conf  and add line PassivePortRange 30000 50000 and restart service pure-ftp [root@panelid01 ]# nano /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf PassivePortRange 30000 50000 [root@panelid01 ]# systemctl restart pure-ftpd And make sure the port allowed from your firewall

413 Request Entity Too Large

Q : How to fix this problem if i get error : 413 Request Entity Too Large ? A : You need to configure both nginx and php.ini to allow upload size. On nginx configuration The client_max_body_size directive assigns the maximum accepted body size of client request, indicated by the line Content-Length in the header of request.

Tips & Trick Check Disk Space

On this tips & trick we will discuss how to check disk space usage on a linux machine. Sometimes we need information on how much disk space we have used and how much free. And also we need information which file or directory  is big and where it is. This information we need to easily manage our disk